

ATHENA brings together the Alumni of the Graduates from the High Studies for Security & Defence.

The Mission of the Association is to promote and maintain the networks that where created during the High Studies, to encourage the exchanges between the different Sessions and to stimulate the contacts between the Auditors. 


  • Bring together the Auditors during academic and social activities that are related to the fields of interest of the High Studies.
  • Inform the Auditors on discussion forums, conferences,... organised by our Partners.
  • Publish all information that is deemed useful in the context of the High Studies.
  • Inform and advise potential candidates interested in participating in the High Studies.
  • Stimulate contacts between Defence, Federal Public Services, Civil Society, Industry, Belgian, European and International Institutions, Think Tanks, NGO's,... in the field of Security and Defence.
  • Establish reciprocal links with Alumni Associations comparable to Athena.
  • Contribute to the future development of the High Studies.